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10 Blackjack Quotes You Could Identify With

Some of the masterminds behind these phrases are professional gamers. So yeah, you too could use them when you feel the adrenaline rush while playing 21

Blackjack is one of the most popular games in land-based and online casinos, and also one of the most iconic for characters in movies, on TV, and even in books. If you would like to give your good phrases about this game as they do, while you enjoy it with your friends and / or with other opponents, then we leave you some quotes with which you could feel identified or that could serve as inspiration . Who knows? Maybe you can think of something better that could go down in Blackjack history.
Top 10 Blackjack Phrases
“Some guys are always getting in trouble and doing things. I know I’m no better than anyone else … But I’m not at all bad, just Blackjack. ”
– Frankie Muniz, actor
“At night when I can’t sleep, I play Blackjack online until I get tired or lose my money.”
– Nicky Hilton, American designer and model
“This hand is so bad that even if you fail, I will still lose.”
– Unknown
“I love Blackjack, but I am not addicted to the game. I’m addicted to sitting in a semicircle. ”
– Mitch Hedberg, American stand-up comedian
“Blackjack is very scientific. There is always a correct answer and a wrong answer. ”
– Charlie Ergen, professional poker player
“Winning at Blackjack requires the ability to take advantage of situations.”
– Michael Dalton, Blackjack Expert Writer
“Blackjack is one of my loves. This fascinating game of money and opportunity challenges my mind and allows me to play the role of a secret agent infiltrated in foreign territory. ”
– Michael Dalton, Blackjack Expert Writer
“In the game of Blackjack, as in the game of life, winning is tough. It takes determination, preparation and a lot of perspiration. ”
– Bryce Carlson, American expert blackjack player
“Card counters have tunnel vision. They walk to a blackjack table, measure card counting chances, and ignore everything else. I walk in a casino and see opportunities everywhere. ”
– Richard Munchkin, American professional poker player, writer and producer
“The problem with winning at Blackjack and sports betting is that sooner or later a big guy in a suit tells you to leave.”
– William Poundstone, American writer

Remember, if you can think of a cool phrase about this game or related to the magical world of casinos and gambling, you can write them in the comments of our social networks .

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